Mantras for a healthy heart

Heart is an important functional organ of a human body. It pumps blood throughout the body. It is filled with all types of emotions and feelings. In fact, it is a very sensitive organ which should be handled with intense care. A family is totally dependent on a woman or I should say they are the building blocks of their families. They support their families with a lot of love and care. A family is really incomplete without a caring mother, dutiful wife and a loving mother.

But among all her responsibilities, care and duties she forgets her health and the consequences are obesity, diabetes and many more serious complications. Gaining weight is generally very common problem in women. But unfortunately it is neglected and the outcomes are heart related problems.

Research shows that 2 out of every 4 women are at risk of heart problems due to increasing weight.

So, first let us have a close look on the symptoms of heart problems. Studies show that chest pain, pain in arm, back, neck or jaw, stomach pain, nausea, fatigue leads to serious heart problems in women.

How to prevent heart disease? Well, change is the basic requirement of life. Even a small change in our daily routine can be quite effective. Following simple steps can help us a lot.

(1) Don’t smoke or use tobacco: Chemicals in tobacco can damage our heart. The women who smoke are at high risk of heart attack.


(2) Exercise for 30 min regularly: Indulging in certain activity will be beneficial. The simplest exercise is a walk. So, try to take a 30 min walk daily.


(3) eat healthy and stay healthy: Try to avoid junk foods like pizza, burgers, and deep fried foods. A balanced and nutritious diet includes ample amounts of fruits, green vegetables and whole grains.


(4) Track blood pressures and body mass index at regular intervals of time: This will alert from future complications.


(5) Last but not the least take proper sleep of 8-10 hours and become stress free: diseases are always away from happy and energetic life.


Always remember a person who is fit is always hit. So, let us promise to lead a healthy and happy life.

“I am joining the Saffolalife #ProtectHerHeart initiative and pledging my support to better heart health in Association with BlogAdda.”

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